Sunday, November 20, 2011

Cat Attack

Well.. I am rather bored and even though no one is gonna read this I might as well say something about today...

 I first of all tripped UP the stairs. That made my dog Rex run terrified and one of my cats Sweetypie chased his through the house till he was stuck in a corner. He had no way out and she attacked him. She lunged at his neck ferociously just as he leapt around her. He was bolting behind me for protection while Sweetypie was stunned that she had hit a wall and not the dog. Then when she had realized what she was originally doing she raced back to him and tried to leap again but her evil plans were foiled when she ran into me. She left me with an evil glare and went back to trying to catch my goldfish. Meanwhile Rex was sitting on my lap which he is to big for still scared she is coming back.

I don't understand how a dog that is the size of a Collie can be bullied by a grown cat the size of a kitten! She may be feral but that is just pathetic.

                                                                THE FACE OF EVIL!!!


                                      THE VICTIM :(

Monday, November 14, 2011

... Well after all that freaking out over the weekend and it was for...NOTHING!!! well that was rather disapointing. My friend Courtney who is in the same grade as Xander told one of his friend Tyler to ask him if he likes me or my other friend (who likes someone else) Well he asked and he said no...I could have guessed that he doesn't even know my name most likely! Then Tyler who also rides the bus with us sees Xander walk on.       " Hey! Xander here's the two love bugs!" I would have killed him at that moment but it would have been such a mess and it would have been caught on camera so...

Courtney still insists that he likes me and wanted to give me the flower back. *sigh* It's a little depressing but hey I am just a girl who sits behind him on the bus.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Awkward and Creepy

 Yesterday The guy I like( Xander ) found out I like him.

Today our class went on a trip to Medieval Times. I got a flower from the knight and kept it.

On the bus my friend Courtney noticed it and I said it was for someone special while eyeing Xander in front of me. She bursts out laughing with a crazy sound and so do I eventually. The truth is he is a grade a head of me and we have never spoken ...EVER. We have only made brief eye contact for a bout 7 seconds at the most. So when Courtney and I got to get off the bus I set the flower in his lap and rush out as quickly as posible. Mean while Courney starts to laugh again while watching his shocked face and a few around him become stunned.

 That is how my day went. I am fearing for what will happen Monday...